We’re discovering it day by day. What gifts can you bring to help co-create it?

Version 2.0 of Boulder Integral will ultimately be a prototype for how a flourishing community can embody Integral Principles.

With a renewed focus on Integral Community and Relationship, we’re making an assertion:
The Integral movement will continue to grow to the degree that all of its world-class theory becomes more deeply embodied and applied in our day-to-day choices and interactions. We are finding that Integral applied is a very raw and potent way of living and relating that can lead to more flourishing lives for Integralists and everyone they interact with.

While we have so much that we’re excited to tell you about, we wanted to make sure we let you know a few things right away:

Aletheia: Integral Relating Intensive
It’s right around the corner… our flagship event whose inaugural success in August was pivotal in this center’s new evolution.
A deep community process that both immerses you in our intersubjective meditation practice and trains you to bring it out into your own lives and relationships. Absolutely every interaction we have can be an opportunity to come to enjoy each other more exquisitely and know ourselves more fully.
We just put together a beautiful new video with footage from our August Aletheia.
Watch the new video and learn more here.

Stay in Touch!

Here are the two best ways to stay up to date:

Like our Facebook page, Click Here.

Email – Since this is primarily a community organization and not an online business, we won’t be focusing heavily on email marketing. But we will be using our email list to keep our members and the community informed about what we’ve got going on here and what we’re excited about. Use the form in the right sidebar to subscribe to receive our email updates.

Any confusion, questions, or concerns about this new wave? Leave a comment below so we can stay apprised of what’s happening in the community and therefore steer the ship appropriately. Wishes of support are welcome too. 😉

Looking forward to seeing you soon,
Robert MacNaughton, Decker Cunov and the IC Team