Upcoming Intensive:
Aletheia Premiere ~ Boulder, Colorado TBD
This weekend is limited to only eight participants
If you’ve ever experienced dullness, flatness, or a lack of satisfaction in the depth of your connection with others… and KNEW that there was more possible, but you weren’t sure how to get there…
And you want more moments of…
- A loved one’s eyes light up with gratitude for finally feeling seen for the unique gift that they are…
- Tears of relief from realizing we can let go of a self-image we’ve been carrying for years…
- Raw, edgy excitement at feeling finally free to say what’s really true for us, without holding back from fear of what others might think…
- Profound insight & realization, often only found in intense contemplative practices…

Well, that’s what we’ve been living,
and we want you to have this available in your life as well.
We’re inviting you to a 3 day intensive that will fundamentally transform the way you relate to others, and have you relating to others in a way that transforms them.

In this weekend, our team will share with you this unique Relational Leadership
art form —
Integral Circling
Okay, What's this Circling Business?
Simply put, it’s the best work we’ve found for creating extraordinary and profound intimacy in relationships — an organic, in-the-moment interpersonal process that’s equal parts art form, meditation, and encounter group.
Though it works exquisitely in intimate relationships, it can be applied in all areas of life because it’s so organic, non-analytical, effective, and *fun*…
Victor Frankl once said, "Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom." Integral Circling is the most effective practice I’ve ever found to increase the space between stimulus and response.
The purpose of Circling is twofold…
1. Circling uncovers “relational blind spots”—the places where we push away the depth of connection and intimacy that’s possible, whether we’re:
~ In relationship and want to deepen with our partner…
~ Single, and looking to attract someone to explore deeper connection with…
~ Looking for deeper connection with ANYONE—family, friends, colleagues, clients…
Through this fresh, direct-experience in-the-moment process, we have more choice about how we respond — being aware of our blind spots.
2. The experience of “Being Seen” for who we authentically are is one of the most rewarding experiences we can have as human beings, and Circling teaches us exactly that — how to see and celebrate each person for the unique flavor they bring to the world.

For the First Time Since I Was A Child, I Feel Free. I’m In Touch With How Much I Love My Life, And The People In It. Circling in a space of safe, open inquiry has had me come to know myself with an ever-increasing clarity. As my patterns become conscious… I can see them as they occur, and from this place of knowing, I now have choice. Things are still really hard, and still the world occurs as bright and beautiful. I’m in touch with how much I love my life and the people in it.
This practice will foster your AGENCY — your ability to act in the world — through transcending who you thought you were, to discover an expanded sense of self, while fully experiencing and including every previous layer that this new self is grounded in and arising from.
This practice will also foster your capacity for COMMUNION and CONNECTION — through sharpening your ability to deeply see and connect with others.

Relationship seems to be more important than ever and yet more elusive than ever. For all of postmodernism’s emphasis on the relational or cultural components of life, they have offered pitifully little in terms of actual practices to authentically awaken and get in touch with this dimension. This is where Circling as a "We-Space" practice excels!
The Aletheia Intensive is for you if you’re wanting…

- Greater Self-Awareness: You’ll receive skillful reflection about how you’re perceived, and discuss what it’s like being with you, in service of you and your relationships.
- Sincerity: You’ll get closer to humanity, with more compassion and more empathy through witnessing other’s self-discovery. Experience caring more, and develop strong lasting connections and the ability to create them.
- An elegant expression of group process — not captive audience, processing ad nauseam, or amateur pseudo-therapy.
- An Integral practice of invoking a potent “we-space”, a collective flow state experience, that’s held with the reverence it deserves but not indulging in irrationality. We foster rationality and use secular language — not “woo-woo”.
- To be the kind of person that inspires consistent healthy transformation in yourself and others through authentic relating. The first step is seeing that it’s on the menu, and there are better ways to engage than others.
- The ability to bring all of the above into your relationships, work, and community without seeming like you’ve been abducted by an alien cult.
Upcoming Aletheia Intensive Weekends:
Aletheia Premiere ~ Boulder Colorado TBD
Premiere weekends are limited to eight participants
Details, Logistics, & Registration
The intensive is a full 3-day weekend. It will start Friday morning and end Sunday evening.
The Aletheia Integral Relating Intensive is not for everyone. Admission is by application only. If you’re interested in applying or want more information, please use the button below to schedule an admissions call with Robert.
These events have limited availability, and the fee for the course is: $995. There’s a $200 early registration discount for those who reserve their seat by March 31st, 2020.
Registration cost does not include accommodations or meals during the weekend.
Exquisite Moments with Humans...
Take the most heartfelt, most poignantly perceptive interactions you've had,
and take them even deeper. Make them your new normal.

Your Host For the Aletheia Intensive
Robert MacNaughton, Senior Course Leader & Co-Founder
Robert co-founded the Aletheia Intensive with Decker Cunov in 2011, and has organized and captained dozens of Aletheia cohorts in Boulder and beyond. He has led thousands of circles, trained circling facilitators around the world, and has been facilitating experiential group education for over 20 years. Robert is a stand for fostering the integrity of the powerful transformational practice of Integral Circling and its potential to bring more goodness, truth, and beauty into our lives. Robert co-founded the Integral Center in Boulder Colorado in association with renowned philosopher Ken Wilber where he managed five operational brands and supervised over 100 contractors, teachers, facilitators, and community leaders in over 25 cities globally. As an executive coach, strategic advisor, and facilitator, Robert teaches about how to skillfully reconcile seemingly contradictory world-views in conversation, organization, and culture.
I attended Aletheia with an expectation of personal growth in the area of relational connecting and what I received was much more than I could even imagine was possible. I experienced love in its most unadulterated essence. I felt acceptance and appreciation for my most vulnerable self. I experienced feeling completely seen in my most exposed moments and completely loved, not in spite of, but because of those areas I previously felt shame around.
I received the abundant gift of learning not only how to love myself, but also the knowledge that loving myself is a gift unto others as well.
I came into the weekend feeling lost and a bit hopeless and I left feeling abundant and full of gratitude and anticipation for whatever comes next.
When I was circled during Aletheia, I was able to claim my sovereign voice and stand in my own strength. This was an edge for me that the safety and structure of Aletheia made possible. Since Aletheia, I have felt more secure with my welcomingly imperfect self.
More than perhaps any workshop leader I have witnessed, Robert has a unique leadership style in which the learnings, messages and results flow with ease. I found him to be a caring and playful catalyst for self-discovery.
At the conclusion of the workshop, I found myself crying in awe of the beauty that unfolded!
Thank you for using your highly cultivated gifts for the betterment of others!
Some kinds of powerful magic happen in a cauldron. Robert and his team are top-notch cauldron builders. Within the container of expectations, practices, and presence they built, I experienced a deep sense of community and a potent ground for my own transformation. I’m leaving the weekend with new eyes and new possibilities for my life—including a new sense of my own beauty and power. This work will defy whatever expectations you have of it. Prepare to be surprised—and evolved.
Training in Circling has given me an understanding and a framework to know why I love what I love. I knew that I loved connecting with people and being real. I didn’t realize it could be taught! When I started learning it, I saw that in my favorite moments with people, this is what I was doing. And these guys have taken it apart so that it can be taught and can be reproduced more consistently. Another thing I love about this work: It allows people to be in the moment and experience themselves and others without a story. Without rejecting story, just seeing that it’s not necessary for revelation. Circling brings us into a shared experience of the truth of the moment, a space of rawness to me, that’s where magic happens, and that rawness is powerful fuel for my spiritual growth.