Embrace Your Relational Brilliance
Equipping You With the Skills and Tools
Draw Out the Best in Yourself and Those Around You
and Deepen Your Relationships for the Rest of Your Life
Does this sound familiar?
You know what it’s like to experience extraordinary moments—when you have a deep connection with another or have a powerful impact with your communication. You have some idea how to create these moments, and you feel great when they happen, yet deep down you know you could bring it to a higher level of consistency. Sometimes genuine connection seems elusive. Sometimes people tune you out in a crucial moment when you’re going for impact and inspiration. You want these “peak experience” states to develop into ongoing traits in your life.
If you were able to, here’s what that might look like, a day in the life…
9:32am, at your strategic pitch… you hit every note in presenting your new project to your boss and senior leadership team, satisfying their toughest critiques, leaving the room filled with excitement and inspiration.
* You feel the confidence in your ability to convey your most important ideas so that you are heard, understood, and appreciated…
* Your boss and the senior leadership feel the positive impact of a team member who contributes beyond what is required and can convey innovative ideas in a way that commands their attention…
11:10am, two co-workers approach you… just after your pitch, asking you to help them with a conflict they have with each other. You take some time to sit with them and quickly help them get to the bottom of their issue and resolve it.
* You feel the satisfaction of being sought out for your skill as a trusted mediator and for taking the lead in creating a work culture of direct communication and effective conflict management…
* Your co-workers breathe a sigh of relief at finally having someone able to identify and name the issue they’d been FEELING but didn’t have the tools to address…
1pm, on your lunch break at the cafe… while ordering your lunch you create a brief but powerful moment of real connection with your barista…
* You feel the satisfaction of contribution, and your connection with the barista will be richer in every future interaction…
* The barista lights up with a much-needed dose of human-to-human connection that shifts the way they relate to their customers for the rest of the day…
7:25pm, at a restaurant… celebrating your dad’s 75th birthday, you facilitate a group conversation with your family and his close friends, where each of you shares the impact your dad has had on your lives…
* Your heart swells as you give your dad an experience he will remember for the rest of his life…
* You catch your dad actually wipe away a tear (you’ve rarely seen your dad this moved before) as he says, “Thank you. This is one of the best gifts I’ve ever received.”
9:43pm, after dinner… you meet up with a special someone, creating a fun little adventure for just the two of you, weaving rich moments of warmth, honesty, excitement, and intimate connection throughout your time together.
* Your body relaxes and opens with a sense of ease and confidence while any tensions from your day melt away. As your eyes meet, you feel that that warmth of connection when you’re free of any insecurity or urgency to make sure things turn out any particular way.
* Your special someone feels engaged, playful, and receptive, telling you this is “one of those nights I’ll never forget…”
This is a taste of what it’s like to be a master of relating.
If you’re like most people, you aren’t fully nourished and inspired by the current level of realness and richness in your relationships, and you aren’t having the impact you wish you could be having at work or at home…
You might even be surrounded by people, have an active social life, and still have a sense that more of your life could be full of these extraordinary moments. You have a clear sense that something more is possible, but feel a little lost about how to generate this at will, especially when the stakes are high. You’ve noticed opportunities pass you by because you didn’t communicate as effectively as you knew you could.
So, you’ve grown accustomed to hoping that those magic moments will happen again, if the circumstances are just right, or if you’re really on your game, especially on that date, or that big pitch, or in talking with your boss…
It doesn’t have to be that way.
ARC is a three-weekend intensive training designed to improve every aspect of your relationships and infuse your life with the opportunities for richer, more rewarding, more powerful interactions. Those extraordinary “peak experience” states, will develop into ongoing traits in your life.
Over three in-person weekends and through group coaching, focused personalized feedback, and assignments to implement new ways of relating in your life, this training will upgrade what we like to call “Relational Intelligence.” You’ll learn to practice and apply our refined set of Authentic Relating communication tools and principles. As as a result, you’ll increase the quality of your relationships with everyone around you, including your ongoing relationship with yourself!
Here’s Some of What You’ll Learn in The ARC Training…
- How to inspire others with your passion so that they’re moved and excited to support you in co-creating something. This is HUGE if you’re an entrepreneur running a business or otherwise looking to “make your contribution” in the world.
- Develop listening superpowers so that others feel deeply heard, understood, and regularly express gratitude for your attention to detail, your perceptiveness, and your respect for any differences you uncover together. They’ll open up as you “tune-in” to them with ease.
- How to have deeper connection with those who challenge you most, even your family. Even those relationships in your life that seem most stuck in old grooves can be refreshed and enriched with new depth and more realness. We’ll support you in doing this artfully and ecologically (translation: without screwing up your life!)
- Discover your own personal strengths, as well as your blind spots. One of the most powerful aspects of this training will be receiving honest, direct feedback from others about how you occur to them.
- How to effectively deliver raw or edgy feedback, to others in a way that has them fully receive it and be grateful for your reflection.
- Skillfully navigate challenging social dynamics and conversations. When difficulties or conflict arise from unmet expectations, misunderstandings, or broken agreements, you’ll have the skill and confidence to dive in and work things out.
- Uncover the themes and tendencies you bring to each of your relationships, both present-day, and through your personal history, and learn to use this self-knowledge to refine your own personal style and approach to communicating and relating.
Here’s What is Included…
3 in-person weekends where you’ll be practicing the art of effective Authentic Relating and communication skills in direct contact with your peers. You’ll receive personalized feedback, reflection, and guidance from our world-class team of facilitators.
Group coaching and peer support between weekends through regular conference calls and an exclusive online group.
Life integration assignments designed for you to uncover your relational patterns playing out in your life and to put into practice what you’re learning in the relationships that matter the most to you.
Extraordinary community experience that builds over time as you work through the weekends and support each other in your assignments between weekends.
Weekend schedule—
Friday 1pm – 10pm+
Saturday 11am – 8pm
Sunday 11am – 8pm
Live Weekend Dates (2018)—
January 19-21
March 9-11
April 6-8
Full Tuition — $4997
Early Bird— $3997 (Register by December 19th)
Integral Center Members Discount — $300 off
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What if you…
- Had the tools to connect and communicate more effectively with ANYONE on a deeper level, whether it’s your work colleagues, your parents, your lover, your boss, the coffee shop barista, or your best friend…
- Had the capacity to relax and feel confident and comfortable being yourself, wherever you go, whoever you find yourself with, centered in an abiding sense of self-acceptance and personal dignity…
…How much time & energy would you be willing to invest in creating such a life?
Really ask yourself this, right now.
Sign up NOW for a conversation with one of our Senior Course Leaders to take the next step in applying for this course. Together you’ll explore if this course is right for YOU…
Starting this weekend! If you want to join,
call/text Matthew Porcelli now: 760-807-1508
This conversation is not a pressurized sales call. We truly want to support you in determining if this course is a good fit for you. And even if it’s not a good fit, you will likely get significant value from the conversation itself.
No time for “Another Training”?
“I’m too busy for another training. I have a business to run, friends who don’t get enough of my time as it is, etc…”
We understand. Life is getting busier and busier for many of us, and the last thing you need is another obligation, right?
Well check this out: like a garden that blooms when you put attention on it, your relationships will “bear fruit” in your business, romantic life, and friendships when you start intentionally tending to them. Learning how to build up others around you is one of the smartest investments in time and energy you can make.
What about my level of social skills?
For the more extroverted…
Just because you have lots of friendships, that’s no excuse to hold back, just keeping things fun and easy. You’ll learn to invite out the full depth and incredible potential of your relationships! You’ll improve your ability to notice opportunities to dive deeper into places where you may previously have glossed over. Putting concerted attention on what’s possible in your relationships over the three weekends will help you leverage your existing social skills for maximum impact, and fulfill on that intuition you’ve had that there’s WAY more possible than you’ve even begun to touch…
For the more introverted…
The pain & anxiety you feel around the typical small talk and melodrama most people engage in are actually signposts pointing you toward the kind of relationships that will truly nourish you. We’ve found that you are the most sensitive receivers of other people’s energy — your discernment is a GIFT for you to BRING to your relationships, not an excuse to avoid it! You’ll learn to trust your own self-guidance in choosing how and when you want to interact, and you’ll intrigue and attract others with your perceptiveness and insight.
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Was this inspiring to you? Good. We are inspired to bring you our refined set of relational and communication tools and principles we call “Authentic Relating”. When it comes to relationships and communication, you’ll come to know yourself—inside and out. You’ll feel confident and authentic in your social interactions. And you’ll inspire and foster the kinds of genuine, powerful relationships you want in your life!