by Michael Porcelli | Oct 20, 2015 | Blog
by Jess Nichol I used to be nice. Quiet, polite, didn’t make ripples. That was me on the outside. But on the inside it was often a different story: frustration, judgment, anger. I worked hard to not let any of that show. At various points in my life I’d learned that...
by Michael Porcelli | Aug 31, 2015 | Blog
If you’re like most people, you aren’t having the impact you wish you could be having in your relationships, personal or professional, and you aren’t fully enjoying and feeling inspired by the current level of authenticity and richness in your connections. You might...
by Robert MacNaughton | Apr 8, 2015 | Blog
by Melody Markel If you know me well, you know that I’ve moved around a lot in the past 20 years (25 times, actually. 25 entrances and exits, 25 hello’s paired with 25 goodbye’s). If you know me ~really~ well, you know that something I’ve longed for all my life is...
by Robert MacNaughton | Mar 27, 2015 | #enactment, Blog
How do you make ethical judgements in your community? How do we deeply honor where any person in our life is coming from, while maintaining our boundaries and protecting what we care about the most? I’m quite excited to share this recording with you...
by Robert MacNaughton | Feb 23, 2015 | Blog
This video was recorded in late 2013 for the fundraising campaign to recover from the damages of the massive flood that hit Boulder two months before. This is a great opportunity to understand how the Integral Center came to be as Decker Cunov and Robert MacNaughton...
by Robert MacNaughton | Feb 10, 2015 | #enactment, Blog
We get because we give. Is that a bit too cliché? Well, like most things, it’s cliché for a reason — it’s true. But it’s so much more challenging than it sounds. If we could all get everything that our heart’s desire by giving more, why...