Mondays and Wednesdays
12 – 3pm, usually split into two sessions
$10 Drop-in
Free for Members of the Integral Center
Please check-in with the facilitator if this is your first time joining the lab.
What is Circling again…?
Circling is our homegrown inter-subjective meditation practice in which groups of people can support each other delving into the states of awareness normally accessed through sitting on a cushion alone for weeks at a time (or years…). For the record, we’re a big fan of those individual practices AND a relational practice can massively accelerate your evolution of consciousness when undertaken with care and skill.
We have very, very rarely found a style of supporting people with this depth of impact AND with such minimal contrived biases, models, or belief systems that often come with the territory of ‘transformation’.
Our primary vehicle for supporting/coaching people begins by continually letting go of those models/belief systems/assumptions, and putting that freed up attention on experiencing profound connection with each other.
By coming to “get their world”, layer by layer, you can actually help *them* get what their life is like in an increasingly clear and rich way.
The ways in which I don’t totally feel connected to you…not coincidentally often highlight ways in which you aren’t totally connected to yourself…
And it’s a two way street…
By vulnerably expressing my experience as I’m with you, we begin to invite each other deeper, layer by layer, moment by moment. Many aspects of that process make for exquisite moments in any conversation, professionally or socially. Focusing that process into an explicit practice…has lead thousands of people to those kinds of realizations that you can look back at as the moment life would never be the same (in a way you’re happy about).