What’s Wrong with Just “Being Yourself”

by Michael Porcelli I was always a high-achieving kid. My accomplishments in school helped me develop a sense that I could do anything I set my mind to. This included getting into a great university, completing an engineering degree, and earning good money in the tech...

The Authentic World

This Circle Existed May 13, 2017 Remember the day the masks fell away the voices subsided our insides collided? When I see you next, I know to expect the mask back in place. But I know your face. – Kelly Elmore, Authentic World member About a year ago, I was in...

Is Authenticity a Performance? [Audio]

Authenticity has become quite a buzz-word these days. It’s easy to criticize and is often misleading. Nevertheless, things become trends for a reason. There’s a strong draw in so many people today to remove their social masks and show up more as their...