Authentic Games Everywhere

With Sara Ness and Michael Porcelli Sara Ness, the creator of Connection Corps in Austin Texas is on a mission to bring Authentic Relating Games as far and wide as possible. From her completion of The Integral Center’s Train-the-Trainer (T3) program in 2013, she has...

An Aletheia Moment

There are those moments in life where, for some reason, the veils get drawn back a little and we are thrust into a deeper experience. Perhaps we are struck by seeing more of ourselves, perhaps we get a glimpse of some aspect of another person, or we see some subtle...

The What & Why of Circling

We know the power of gaining new perspective on ourselves and our lives, and how circling can so powerfully deliver this experience. Listen to this recording between Decker Cunov and Michael Porcelli where they unpack how rare the kinds of experiences are that happen...

Relationship as a Path

How do your relationships compare to your other practices? What’s possible when we welcome the challenges that arise in our partnership as opportunities for growth? In this conversation with Jayson Gaddis, we discuss the ways in which we can treat our...

The Power of Practice

I recently had a great conversation about practice with my friend and Integral mentor, Terry Patten. Terry was part of the core team at the Integral Institute that developed Integral Life Practice, which distills ancient and modern practices into an intelligent...

Is AMP Integral men’s work?

If you follow The Integral Center, I am sure you have heard some buzz about the Authentic Man Program. As a subsidiary of our newly merged partner company Authentic World, AMP is now the men’s work arm of The Integral Center. Given that, you may be wondering: How...

Game Night

Our Intimacy and Authentic Relating Games evenings explore the frontiers of highly personal & interactive experience. A core part of The Integral Center’s “Conscious Nightlife” series, these events are: – Great opportunities for Intentional...